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SMU Sorority Kappa Alpha Theta
JJA J,.LA::i CO Ui'iTY HEALTH AND HUi'ltAN SERVI CES Environment:l.l He:l.lth Divhton ~377 N. Stem mons Fcwy - Room 507 D:l.1I:l.1, Tens 75207 . (214) 819-1115 F:tx: (214) 819-:2868 RETAIL FO OD ESTABLISHMENT INSPECTION REPqRT purpose opnspeclion: Other _ "Establi,snmenl.: Su(3.$ /*~F D EMERtrS1 {p.e~nn;er1Jffi?i'drGj'''<''o6ti'''~f;i:-Fr~tiir€m~:r.7f~~: ~ YC:<-i-Z1"''''''' '~"''';::;;~~'';''''''''''R' ""''''~''-'-''''II,~,..tn~~."....,;;S$.""",~g~,..')!....~:.\;',., ~-~ ':"!"J.:.<:.:-".JJ!E 1'.:':!:-!:',~..ugn_~.::.. '. _El..ql,!!@:.:J.mm~':!Li?J~;~!J_~~~t1_9.l]31., 6. PersOOl'lel with lnfec:Uons RestrictedlExclud ed 7. Proper/Adequale H2.l1dwashing 8. Good Hygienic Practices (EatingIDrinkinglSmokingJOther) 9. Approved Source.l'L2.beling 10. S.ound Condition" 11. proper H2!1d1ing olReady-To-Eal Foods ass-Contamination of Raw/Coo'r;ed Foods/Other 13. Approved Syslems (HACCP PI2J1SITjme as Public Health Control) 14. Water Supply -Approve{) Source/Sufficient CapacitylHot 2J1d Cold Under Pressure D'EME~RTf'.s.{fT~t11-rri~tFc?~1~. '~UJ~p. . m~7ttfferiiJrren-tent~~~M:1~~~~~~.~q#tt.~f~~~J%~~.y. ""':; ._'~.. "fj'-="1':Jl ~~.,. ":';'tj.:.;..;,; .'''~.' .,..-.., ." .;, ............:,,'~""~:... ""-'"'-'-'.-,>-'t" -:::...: -;;.<;;,',;....;:;"';:'~'''''~~'''O.'''''-t:....~::. ' :i~{3?P..ts ~:i.:; ~,\l~ a ons;BegUlre"lm~late::COrre.::tNe:A.",uon,,,,-.u,.tlo-:' ' . }1:,0a~"'f" .. < ..........~.. ....:~..~.~..- ).~"~-i~'/-~...4}.~\.;(.v..;Jo'-"''''''''.::~~i'Y~::~V':'::''''4>.~~>O:ot':;'~1Ooo::JIlit:'~:n':'>>-:''--:-.::.~,;r.I.J,;.:r.';l.:,::~~~~~~:~-:?~lf.:~';'::''''~~....7.:-r~;-.;,. 1S,'EquipmenlAdequale to Mainlain Product Te mperature 16. Handwash FacTIities Adequale 2J1d Accessible 17. H2!1dwash Faciritieswith Soap and Towels 18, No Evidence or Insect Contamination 19. No Evidence of RodenlslOther Animals 20.,Toxic Items Property l..2.beledlSloredlUsed 21. Manual Warewashing and Sanitizing at ( 22. Mechanical Warewashing 2J1d Sanitizing at { 23. Approved SewageJWastewater Dispos.a1 5y.slem, isposal 24. Thermometers ProvidedlAccuraleJ?roperiy Calibraled (z.Z'F) 25. Food Conl:act Surfaces or Equipment and UtensTIs Cleaned!Sanitized!Goo::l Repair 26. Posting of Consumer Advisories (HeimlichIRaw Shelh'ish Wamin,g!Buffet PIal e) 27. FOod Establishmenl PerrrJt . , .: SUJ:.kifu1s<"'" 't;:WC-::-.''\r. "l'::~::-.!"'l:;\'r.;:"'~~-~n ....-...,.'~CO'..'""'~::::<:'...~'<:-.);j.N~">;f'Cf~'-d .s6':'i;;:"'"'\::i....- r-;:.~;:, ~="'I' . ~"""t'~i:~..~'*'c%~z:rHw~ f. . ... ........,..._~..:~~; :~u~~~.~.e..?~!~:.:.~.'!":I~~QS...:~~~,_~~yt:;~OiI~.....~_.~..._~#_~~~"'.J~-~~~~~~~~.~~~~!::.:,~....:..:--.__~,......- ~~: POST ~ W,,\SfJ SnQ.... f..C 3 Pts' roW imem, .-oUow-lip Insp YES NO .\I<<I~~11 ~