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SMU Sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma
--- -- -...-.....- ..._....~lo" w~4"'T ,l\,...J:;.....:) Environmental Health Division ~377 N. Stemmons FnyY - Room 607 Dallas, Texas 75207 . (214) 819-:111S F~_x: (214) 819-:2868 RETAIL FO OD ESTABLISHMENT INSPECTION REPQRT Purpose oflnspeclion: Other _ Date 'Establi,shment: ~.. Physical Addres~:'O l li.r D9X~s~ rE<>O:a-r(P.H6)trem~'ra(u"'~~b~i:rm!m~ttf':~' t"-5"'C"BiS~~~Wg5(-'; ~""~B T_".'......:;rm=~~......'G5~:1 .."""......,.. JO.....~: ..;;{ ,} A ,J.w."Z ~. " ,a1.lq~~ _ ~Jll.!t(e;U'Ilu~I1rtlt.'_ ,n.:.~EtJ.\j:;ti.o_I1:@?'t:!_ . 1. Proper CooUn,g for Cookedl?repared Food 2. Cold flold C 41. F/45' F) 3. HotHold(140'F) 4. . Proper Coolcln9 Temperalures per PHF 5. Rapid Reheating (16S'F In 2 Hrs) FoodlTemoeralures tJe sit ~4t/ D EMERtfSj 1p.e~M:fQf'iaH81in~~"'oti"rc"e'fFt:-dj're'"m"'mtf:r ::.' ,_.~. ''''''''''~!l' 'm--"~"""~' ""''''''''-'-'''IJ~'''. ~.,....",. ~.,....,...,.~..... ~-~(41~JJ:}..~ L!9:l.mLon_~.::.13.El.qll!@..:.mm~91~J~;QQ.lJA;;:~" JtQ.ll; 6. Personnel \'lith lnfecUons ResUictedr.::):c1uded 7. Proper/Adequale Handwashing 8. Good Hygienic Practices (Eatin,9IDrinkinglSmoking/Other) 9. Ai'proved Source1l...2be1in9 10. S.ound CondItion' 11. proper Handlin9 of Ready-To-Eal Foods 12. CrossoCoritaminalion of Raw/Cooked Foods/Other 13. Approved Systems (HACCP Plans/Time as Public Health Control) 14. Waler Supply -Approve<! SourcelSLIfiicient CapacitylHot and Cold Under Pressure D'EME:"Rfts~ .f~t!1H-i~~~frd1~UJ~p' m~!fttfiltriEirr~iits~~~j1;:i;[~~~~'W~@$~ ;;? "31B.tS<;:m:~! i~~Ndks;~ . "e--tJ irEtirnn1eCiI~::GOrrectNetAitioH~'NOt~Ta.;~~'Or.. a ... ~I ..", ...... ? J.....:~7iJ "$~~~.;:~)~4'1~\t~..,...., '~~~~~'~;~~Y~~~4>.~~~l".z.~,...::-~t:";N~,...~-.::.,....",.J1df.~~~""-:l)o~~~~r.'#.t~.;.:,.... 15: Equipment Arl equate to Maintain Product Temperalure , 6. Handwash Facilities Adequate and Accessible 17. Handwash Facirities w1:h Soap and Towels 18, No Evjdence of Insect Contamination 19. No Evidence of RodenlslOther Mimals 20.,Toxic Ilems Properly LabeledlStoredlUsed 21. Manual Warewashin,g and SanHizin9 at ( ) ppmftemperahlre 22. Mechanical Warewashin9 and Sanil:izin9 al ( ) ppmftemperature 23. Approved Sewa9e!r'/astewaler Disposal System, Proper Disposal 24. Thermometers ProvidedlACC1Jratel?ropeny Cclibraled (:t 2.F) . Food Contact Surfaces of Equipment and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 26. Postin9 or Consumer Advisories (HeimTiclv'Raw Shellfish Waming/Suffet Plate) 27. FOod Establishment Pemt . ':~fu1s<:r-:I';ru~,r. ~"I"::<::::':-..!"'E<\r.~~~""'~":;""""""""'Co'''''''''~::::<;'''''':;:''->.>::fN'---.;r.o'''~i::~''d:SO--:Da~'('~~t'~~l ,,~~~~~r.-~sS!@-~ t . ....... w...._....:~~: :~u r:?~-::!.~.eh?~l~~.~~:J~~QS_~~~, ~~y ;::-"~on(;....9i~\~...~?~_~_~ ....J~-~~~~~~~.fi?!;J~t?~~..-_._-,,.. 5Pts 4 Pts 3 fit {J'77 lJ/51/~ftl/7/ue /N'J7l< .(fb~ ro~ems ::- olJow -up Ins p YES NO Received by;