HomeMy WebLinkAboutStarbucks Coffee Hillcrest DAi;.LAS 'COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environment~l He~1th Divi5ion ~377 N. Stemmons Frwy - Room 607 Xhlbs, Texas 75207 . (214) 819-2115 Fax: (214) 819-:1.868 RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISHMENT INSPECTION REPqRT / . Pwposeopnspection: Rc,gul31_ Follo\Vup_ Complaint_ Other_ Date !-;l3-e~ I-? ILI~" "".up . D EMERrrs1 (P.ers8MEtiHati'aHrig~&:i"~"Ei:R~dir€m..,mtf;i:f.;'r,qf~~ . ;::, v:c....P.ts. '-:~"';:"'" .~1""t1:S~..."""""'6""'..""-"'."Ir. ...,,.'tr..."I....""A"::". .'""'.I~:.~:~.<::!.ti.,.~~<;.!:lt.. 'f.-~h.L':.. ~J!t~ }\1:M~,ugJl~.::.."3.ftql:!!I?:.~.mm~':!Li?_~;,~g_~...'!.Y.E~_Q.r.U..J~[;b.:- 6. Personnel 'nith lnTeclions Restiictec!lE:xcluded 7. Proper/Adequale HGfldwashing 8. Good Hygienic Practices (EatinglDrinkinglSmokingJOther) 9. Approved Source.l'l..2.beling 10. ~ound Conci"rtion' 11. froper Handling 01 Ready-To-Eat Foods 12. Cross-Contamination 01 Raw/Cooked Foods/Other 13. Approved Systems (HACCP PlanslTime as Pubiic Health Control) 14. Water Supply - Approved Source/Sufficient CapacitylHot and Cold Under Pressure D.EME~RTfS{ rFa-~~~~~ffd!'gguJ~p. m~!fttfTh'~u1rem::enls~e~1;?*~~ """;1 .-.-:-.. "fit':'];.r, '~.s. ":'\ti.:_;.J: .''''~.> "...-.., -" .;,i-.....,-..,:,..c......':1...r;..~..............,,....!'A.. -ctj' . -:;.-;m""t':r.' ::f~73?P.fS ;.:::-=; .,yi:C a ons:BegUlre.. mrneolcrte:~rrectNe' . on .I-.u .t,.Q:: . }. .. .\..._-~.. "".:4;';~";:'. .>...-.:)~~..,...,...~...4;.;');(~""".....,..a;\):~~."';:~~~$~~4>.~~>.:1'"~"..::~t'l$~:~)"~-..:-~.f"'...,.IJ.i.r.~)i:~-r':'!o~~~~'-:? &~~~1i:~~.?e..;~~..~~~~ ,8 . ..~...rf'~~~:1-i..;:....;,;c;.z~::.~~J~~~1;~.~... d~&~~s~~~~~; ~~i~t 15:EquipmentAdequale to Maintain ProductTemperahJre , 6. Handwash Facilities Adequate and Accessible 17. Handwash Facifities wr:n Soap and Towels 18, No E"idence oT Insect Contamination 19. No Evidence or RodenlslOtherAnima1s 20..Toxic Items Properly l.2l:JeledlSloredlUsed 21. Manual Warewashing and Sanitizing at ( ) ppm!temperahJre 22.. Mechan!cal Warewashing and Sanitizing at ( mIIemperahJre 23. Approved Sewa,gel'r'/aslewaler Disposal System, Proper Disposal 24. Thermometers Provided/AccurateJ?roperly Calibrated (:!:. 2'F) 5. Food Conl:act Surfaces oT Equipment and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 26. Poslin,g or Consumer Advisories (HeimiichIRaw Shellfish WamingJEluffet Plate) 27. FOod EslabTIsrunenl Permit . . . , ':~fu-e,<,::. .~~:;;; ~'I'''~:::.!''''M,-r.~''''''''''';''''''''''''''~~''''''~;:::<:''''~:''-'~N~>mo'"''~''d90""7Da'''\::;;.''''''~~.N-'~="'I ,,~~tt;::~~s'r~Fe-Sl~~' t . ~ ...~.-..._~...;Tt-=; i~u~:I~.!.e..'?~!;:;-~.~~)~~QS"':Q.~~~~.J~~T c:;..:~on?;.......~_...:.. __~J_<!~~ ....J.r~~~L~~~.~ll....~...;...,_...-.:--..--- w 5 Pts 4Pts 3Pt~ 3 roW Demems y~O;-UP ~p ReceIved byN Inspe~tcd by: '~~..$~ ---,.~= '~"'-~'l'" ~~.l"'~;~'~':"'~"",,,,:o. ~ i~~~%~~ t OTHER VIOLATIONS WHICH MUST BE CORRECTED " Food protection during storage, preparation, display, service, transportation. Outside storage area enclosures properly constructed, clean: controlled incineration. Handling of food . ed. Utensils properly stored. G Clean cloth s, hir restrai~ts .' ". .' . ~... <. . . Food (ice) contact surfaces: designed, constructed, maintained, i1'}stalled, located. . . Garbage & refuse containers covered: adequate number, insect/rodent proof, frequency of disposal/clean. ./- ~ FJno~J r:onstructed, drained, clean, good repah"_ C'~v~r;~'. installation, dustless cleaning metho~s,' : . ... Non-food contact surfaces: designed, constructed, maintained, installed, located. Walls, ceiling, attached equipment: constructed, good repair, clean, surfaces, dustless cleaning methods. Ware washing facilities, designed, constructed, maintained, installed, located, operated. Lighting provided as r7quired, fixtures shielded. Ventilation: Rooms and equipment - vented as required, Accurate thermometers, chemical test kits provided, gauge (1/4" IPS valve), Dressing rooms - rooms clean, lockers pro\'ided, facilities clean, located properly . Wiping cloths: clean, use restricted, Premises maintained' free of litter, unnecessary articles, cleaning maintenance equipment properly stores. Authorized personnel. Non-food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils clean. Single-service articles, storage, dispensing. Complete separation from living/sleeping quarters. Laundry. No re-use of single service articles. " Plumbing: installed, maintained. Clean, soiled linen properly stored. Toilet rooms enclosed, self-closing doors, fixtures, good repair, clean, proper waste receptacles. Registered Food Service Manager registered with City; on site. \1 i'O. !. COOLI:\G - Pot~ntially hazardous food cooled from 1400F to 700F more than 2 hours OR 70'F to 41 of (4S0F) more than 4 hours OR preparecl::foods cooled to 41 of (450F) more than 4 hours: ACTION: Voluntary destruction CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TO ENSURE SAFE FOOD COLD HOLD - Potentially hazardous food held above 410F (450 F) more than 4 hours: ACTIO:\": \'oluntarj' destruction - Potentially hazardous food held above 410 F (450F) less than 4 hours: ACTIO:": Rapid cool. (e.g. Ice bath) o HOT HOLD - PoteiltiaIly haz:J.l'dous food held below1400F more than 4 hours: ACTIO:\": Yolunfar,r destruction - Potentially huardous food held below l-IooF I,ess than 4 hours: ACTIO,,: Rllpid reheat to 16S'F or more' COOK1:\G - Potentially hazardous foods undercooked: ACTIO:\': Re~ook to proper temperature RO\PID REHEA TI:\"G - Cold potentiallyhazardous food improperly reheated: ACTIO:\': Reheat rapidl:r to 16S'F HAi\D WASHI:\'G - Food emplo)'ees observed not washing hands: ACfIO:\": Emploj'ecs should be instructed to wash hands before starting \York and after smoking, eating, drinking, using the toilet, and all other times specified in the Rules. . APPRO\'EDSOURCE/S'OUi'\D CO:\'DITION - Foods from unapproved sources/unsound condition: ACfIO:'{: Detention or roluntal')' destruclion. PROPER HA:'\DLI.\;G OF READY~TO-EA T FOODS - Read)' to Eat foods handled with bare h;mds and employee did not properly wash hands before handling: ACTIO:\: \'olunt3rj' destruction . CROSS CO:".! A:lII:\"A TIO:'{ OF RA W/COOKED FOODS - Re:Jdy-to-Eat foods eonl:Jminat:d by raw po'tenlially hazardous foods: .-\010:'\: Voluntarj' destruction of re3dj' to eat foods APPRO,'ED SYSTE.\r - HACCP Plans for ROP, shellfish tanks, variances. olh~rs. Written pr"c~dur~ for lime as a public h~alth control.