HomeMy WebLinkAboutTaco Diner DALLAS COC:\TY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division 2377 N. Stem mons Frwy - Room' 607 Dallas, Texas 75207 (214) 819-2115 Fax: (214) 819-2868 RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISHMENT INSPECTION REPORT Purpose oflnspection: Regular / Follow up _ Complaint _ Other Date 7--/0 - ex:, Establishment: ~ Lf) I Physical Address: i!1ol/ I L~ 'NIV~ qj~~~f -.,< !i~iiri~WI~Wil~~tIi.f~~6"".". .... 1. Proper Cooling for CookecllPrepared Food ~Id Hold (410F/450F) .a.-t=rot Hold (140oF) 4. Proper Cooking Temperatures per PHF 5. Rapid Reheating (1650F in 2 Hrs) FOodffemperatur7At~ M~ /i.JSF'1 ~O /~~ ~ I~ Ffj, (1Jfu/<f:J..J l'iOcrF 4IS- >~ I~*F ~~~~I\I':lliil~eg~Nil~ll~'iilfr"" 6. Personnel with Infections RestrictedlExcluded 7. Proper/Adequate Handwashing 8. Good Hygienic Pr . rinking/Smoking/Olher) Approved Sour. etLab. Ing 10. Sound Conditio Proper Handling of Ready. . Cross-Contaminati ke' slOlher 13. Approved Systems ACC Ime as Public Health Control) 14. Water Supply - Approved Source/Sufficient CapacitylHot and Cold Under Pressure P,~~~~lij!:I~~I1.~Qli~m~'~~.ii.~:.~I'~~~~fl~:I~~!.~~::!I'~!~ir'. 15. Equipment Adequate to Maintain Prod ture .: andwash Facilities Adequate a cessible 17. Handwash Facilities with Soap and 0 18. No Evidence of Insect Contamination 19. No Evidence of Rodents/Other Animals 20. Toxic Items Properly Labeled/StorecllUsed 21. Manual Waremshing and Sanitizing at 22. Mechanical Warewashing and Sanitizing at ( ) ppm/temperature . 23. Approved SewageIWastewater Disposal System, Proper Disposal : Thermometers Provided/AccuratelProperly Calibrated (+ 20F) 25. Food Contact Surfaces of Equipment and Utensils Cleaned/Sanitized/Good Repair 26. Posting of Consumer Advisories (HeimlichIRaw Shellfish WaminglBuffet Plate) 27. Food Establishment Permit "':il::i::ii:I:ll!:lrl~:11:1.1;! ~..::::i::t~i;rt~1~1~:~~ :iji~;;~~~;:~;:~ii~tlm; .. 'SlibkifulSft 5 Pts 4 Pts 3 Pts G2 I~ COMMENTS: Received by. Inspected by: OTHER VIOLATIONS WHICH MUST BE CORRECTED kd protection during s service, transportation. Outside storage area enclosures properly constructed, clean: controlled incineration. Handling of food (ice )minnnized. Utensils properly stored. Garbage & refuse containers covered: adequate number, insect/rodent proof, frequency of disposal/clean. . Floors, constrUcted; drained,'clean,'gobd repair, covering installation,dustless,cleaningptethods. Clean clothes, hair restraints Food (ice) contact surfaces: designed, .constructed, maintained, installed, located. Non-food contact surfaces: designed, constructed, maintained, installed, located. WaIls, ceiling, attached equipment: constructed, good repair, clean, surfaces, dustless cleaning methods. Ware washing facilities, designed, constructed, maintained, installed, located, operated. Lighting provided as required, fixtures shielded. Ventilation: Rooms and equipment - vented as required. Acc.urate thermometers" chemical test kits pr~auJ~essin.~~oms clean, lockers provided, facilities (1/4" IPS valve). < ''''^~\ ~~ .eVlean, 1~~t~{1{?JperlY,' Wiping cloths: clean, use restricted. Premises maintained free oflitter, unnecessary articles, . t(? , . cleaning maintenance equipment properly stores. -,l'tNon-food contact surfaces of "'Iuipment and utensils .... ..' Authorized personnel. _ Single-service articles, storage, dispensing. _ Complete separation from living/sleeping quarters. No re-use of single service "tictes. ~~:::~~stored. "'--~ :::'::~:::~~:::~:e:::::ing doors, fixrures, good ~~~~ Manager regi~ere~~ repair, clean, proper waste receptacles. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TO SAFE FOOD ITEM NO. 1. COOLING - Potentially hazardous food cooled from 1400F to 70'F more cooled to 41 OF (450F) more than 4 hours: ACTION: Voluntary destruction ,............ OOF to 41 OF (45 OF) more than 4 hours OR prep~ 2. COLD HOLD - Potentially hazardous food held above 41 OF (45'F) more than 4 hours: ACTION: Voluntary destruction - Potentially hazardous food held above 41 OF (45 OF) less than 4 hours: ACTION: Rapid cool. (e.g. Ice bath) HOT HOLD - Potentially hazardous food held below l400F more an 4 Ii r~ION: Voluntary destruction - Potentially hazardous food held below 1400F less than 4 hours: A apid reheat to 1650F or more 3. 4. COOKING - Potentially hazardous foods undercooked: ACTIOX: Recook to proper temperature 5. RAPID REHEATING - Cold potentially hazardous food improperly reheated: ACTION: Reheat rapidly to 1650F -- ~ 7. HAND WASHING - Food employees observed not washing hands: ACTION: Employees should be instructed to wash hands before starting work and after smoking, eating, drinking, using the toilet, and all other times specified in the Rules. 9,10 APPROVED SOURCE/SOUND CONDITION - Foods from unapproved sources/unsound condition: ACTION: Detention or voluntary destruction 11. PROPER HANDLING OF READY-TO-EAT FOODS - Ready to Eat foods handled with bare hands and employee did not properly wash hands before handling: ACTION: Voluntary destruction 12. CROSS CONT Al\'IINA TlON OF RAW/COOKED FOODS - Ready-ta-Eat foods contaminated by raw potentially hazardous foods: ACTiON: Voluntary destruction of ready to eat foods 13. APPROVED SYSTEM - HACCP Plans for ROP, shellfish tanks. variances. others, Written procedure for time as a public health control. ~